An experiment for two-color photoionization using high intensity extreme-UV free electron and near-IR laser pulses. Radcliffe, P; Düsterer, S; Azima, A; Li, W.B; Plönjes, E; Redlin, H; Feldhaus, J; Nicolosi, P; Poletto, L; Dardis, J; Gutierrez, J.P; Hough, P; Kavanagh, K.D; Kennedy, E.T; Luna, H; Yeates, P; Costello, J.T; Delyseries, A; Lewis, C.L.S; Glijer, D; Cubaynes, D; Meyer, M. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 2007
Our research is focused on the interaction of intense lasers with matter, in all of its forms. Current applications include finding novel materials for next generation semiconductor manufacturing and laser based methods for contaminant analysis and removal from wind turbine blades.
About the Research Area
When an intense laser interacts with matter (in all of its forms), a set of complex optical and plasma processes are set in motion. By spectroscopically analysing the light emitted (or absorbed) during the interaction these processes can be understood, and even manipulated. A host of applications are enabled in areas as diverse as energy generation, manufacturing, novel materials and environmental monitoring. We collaborate widely with international laboratories and industrial partners on all aspects of the work from theory to experiment to translation.
Research Projects
Laser Clean Project –
Laser Plasmas and Spectroscopy Publications
Dynamical and relativistic effects in experimental and theoretical studies of inner-shell photoionization of sodium. Cubaynes, D; Zhou, H.-L; Berrah, N; Bizau, J.-M; Bozek, J.D; Canton, S; Diehl, S; Han, X.-Y; Hibbert, A; Kennedy, E.T; Manson, S.T; Voky, L; Wuilleumier, F.J. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2007
Polarization control in two-color above-threshold ionization of atomic helium. Meyer, M; Cubaynes, D; Glijer, D; Dardis, J; Hayden, P; Hough, P; Richardson, V; Kennedy, E.T; Costello, J.T; Radcliffe, P; Düsterer, S; Azima, A; Li, W.B; Redlin, H; Feldhaus, J; Taïeb, R; Maquet, A; Grum-Grzhimailo, A.N; Gryzlova, E.V; Strakhova, S.I. Physical Review Letters 2008
Experiments at FLASH. Bostedt, C; Chapman, H.N; Costello, J.T; Crespo López-Urrutia, J.R; Düsterer, S; Epp, S.W; Feldhaus, J; Föhlisch, A; Meyer, M; Möller, T; Moshammer, R; Richter, M; Sokolowski-Tinten, K; Sorokin, A; Tiedtke, K; Ullrich, J; Wurth, W. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 2009
Time-resolved pump-probe experiments beyond the jitter limitations at FLASH. Azima, A; Düsterer, S; Radcliffe, P; Redlin, H; Stojanovic, N; Li, W; Schlarb, H; Feldhaus, J; Cubaynes, D; Meyer, M; Dardis, J; Hayden, P; Hough, P; Richardson, V.V; Kennedy, E.T; Costello, J.T. Applied Physics Letters 2009
Atomic photoionization in weak and strong two-color radiation fields. Meyer, M; Cubaynes, D; Dardis, J; Hayden, P; Hough, P; Richardson, V; Kennedy, E.T; Costello, J.T; Düsterer, S; Li, W.B; Azima, A; Redlin, H; Feldhaus, J; Taïeb, R; Maquet, A; Strakhova, S.I; Gryzlova, E.V; Grum-Grzhimailo, A.N. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2009
Characterization of the FLASH XUV-FEL pulses by two-color photoionization experiments. Meyer, M; Cubaynes, D; Glijer, D; Düsterer, S; Li, W.B; Azima, A; Redlin, H; Feldhaus, J; Dardis, J; Hayden, P; Hough, P; Richardson, V; Kennedy, E.T; Costello, J.T; Taïeb, R; Maquet, A; Gryzlova, E.V; Strakhova, S.I; Grum-Grzhimailo, A.N. UVX 2008 – 9e Colloque sur les Sources Coherentes et Incoherentes UV, VUV et X: Applications et Developpements Recents 2009
Effect of laser processing parameters and glass type on topology of micro-channels. Ben Azouz, A; Karazi, S.M; Brabazon, D; Vázquez, M; Macka, M; Paull, B. Nanotechnology 2010: Electronics, Devices, Fabrication, MEMS, Fluidics and Computational – Technical Proceedings of the 2010 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2010 2010