Measurement of F-, O- and CF3- densities in 60 and 100 MHz asymmetric capacitively coupled plasma discharge produced in an Ar/O2/C4F8 gas mixture. Sirse, N; Tsutsumi, T; Sekine, M; Hori, M; Ellingboe, A.R. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2017
QDB: A new database of plasma chemistries and reactions. Tennyson, J; Rahimi, S; Hill, C; Tse, L; Vibhakar, A; Akello-Egwel, D; Brown, D.B; Dzarasova, A; Hamilton, J.R; Jaksch, D; Mohr, S; Wren-Little, K; Bruckmeier, J; Agarwal, A; Bartschat, K; Bogaerts, A; Booth, J.-P; Goeckner, M.J; Hassouni, K; Itikawa, Y; Braams, B.J; Krishnakumar, E; Laricchiuta, A; Mason, N.J; Pandey, S; Petrovic, Z.L; Pu, Y.-K; Ranjan, A; Rauf, S; Schulze, J; Turner, M.M; Ventzek, P; Whitehead, J.C; Yoon, J.-S. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 2017
Physical, chemical and electrical characterisation of the diffusion of copper in silicon dioxide and prevention via a CuAl alloy barrier layer system. Byrne, C; Brennan, B; Lundy, R; Bogan, J; Brady, A; Gomeniuk, Y.Y; Monaghan, S; Hurley, P.K; Hughes, G. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2017