The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in weakly ionized plasmas: Ambipolar-dominated and Hall-dominated flows. Jones, A.C; Downes, T.P. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2011
Telescopes of the 21st century revealed the Universe to be full of extreme accelerators – objects able to accelerate particles to extreme energies in a very effective way. We study these sources in order to understand the underlying physical processes.
About the Research Area
While about half of the Galactic X-ray sources are binary systems, only a few (less than 10) binary systems are able to produce TeV emission. Our group is organising extensive multi-wavelength campaigns (from radio up to very high, GeV energies) to study these systems in all possible details we use for further modelling. The aim is to understand what makes these systems so special. In addition to that, we study the origin of the high energy emission of the supermassive black hole in the centre of our Galaxy, which is important for the understanding of the origin and properties of the cosmic rays in the central region.
Under this theme we also investigate low-temperature plasma based concepts for electric propulsion technologies.
Space Publications
The ASTRO-H X-ray observatory. Takahashi, T; Mitsuda, K; Kelley, R; Aarts, H; Aharonian, F; Akamatsu, H; Akimotoe, F; Allen, S; Anabuki, N; Angelini, L; Arnaud, K; Asai, M; Audard, M; Awaki, H; Azzarello, P; Baluta, C; Bamba, A; Bando, N; Bautz, M; Blandford, R; Boyce, K; Brown, G; Cackett, E; Chernyakova, M; Coppi, P; Costantini, E; De Plaa, J; Den Herder, J.-W; DiPirro, M; Done, C; Dotani, T; Doty, J; Ebisawa, K; Eckart, M; Enoto, T; Ezoe, Y; Fabian, A; Ferrigno, C; Foster, A; Fujimoto, R; Fukazawa, Y; Funk, S; Furuzawa, A; Galeazzi, M; Gallo, L; Gandhi, P; Gendreau, K; Gilmore, K; Haas, D; Haba, Y; Hamaguchi, K; Hatsukade, I; Hayashi, T; Hayashida, K; Hiraga, J; Hirose, K; Hornschemeier, A; Hoshino, A; Hughes, J; Hwang, U; Iizuka, R; Inoue, Y; Ishibashi, K; Ishida, M; Ishimura, K; Ishisaki, Y; Ito, M; Iwat, N; Iyomoto, N; Kaastr, J; Kallman, T; Kamae, T; Kataoka, J; Katsuda, S; Kawahara, H; Kawaharada, M; Kawai, N; Kawasaki, S; Khangaluyan, D; Kilbourne, C; Kimura, M; Kinugasaa, K; Kitamoto, S; Kitayama, T; Kohmura, T; Kokubun, M; Kosaka, T; Koujelev, A; Koyama, K; Krimm, H; Kubota, A; Kunieda, H; LaMass, S; Laurent, P; Lebrun, F; Leutenegger, M; Limousin, O; Loewenstein, M; Long, K; Lumb, D; Madejski, G; Maedaa, Y; Makishima, K; Marchand, G; Markevitch, M; Matsumoto, H; Matsushita, K; McCammona, D; McNamara, B; Miller, J; Miller, E; Mineshige, S; Minesugi, K; Mitsuishi, I; Miyazaw, T; Mizuno, T; Mori, H; Mori, K; Mukai, K; Murakami, T; Murakami, H; Mushotzky, R; Nagano, H; Nagino, R; Nakagaw, T; Nakajim, H; Nakamori, T; Nakazaw, K; Namba, Y; Natsukari, C; Nishiok, Y; Nobukawa, M; Nomachi, M; O’Dell, S; Odak, H; Ogaw, H; Ogaw, M; Ogi, K; Ohashi, T; Ohno, M; Ohta, M; Okajima, T; Okamotoa, A; Okazaki, T; Ota, N; Ozaki, M; Paerelsb, F; Paltanii, S; Parmar, A; Petre, R; Pohl, M; Porter, F.S; Ramsey, B; Reis, R; Reynolds, C; Russell, H; Sa-Harb, S; Sakai, S.I; Sameshima, H; Sanders, J; Sato, G; Sato, R; Sato, Y; Sato, K; Sawada, M; Serlemitsos, P; Seta, H; Shibano, Y; Shida, M; Shimada, T; Shinozaki, K; Shirron, P; Simionescu, A; Simmons, C; Smith, R; Sneiderman, G; Soong, Y; Stawarz, L; Sugawara, Y; Sugita, H; Sugit, S; Szymkowiak, A; Tajim, H; Takahashi, H; Takeda, S.-I; Takei, Y; Tamagawa, T; Tamura, T; Tamura, K; Tanaka, T; Tanaka, Y; Tashiro, M; Tawara, Y; Terada, Y; Terashima, Y; Tombesi, F; Tomida, H; Tsuboi, Y; Tsujimoto, M; Tsunemi, H; Tsuru, T; Uchida, H; Uchiyam, Y; Uchiyam, H; Ueda, Y; Ueno, S; Unobe, S; Urry, M; Ursino, E; De Vries, C; Wada, A; Watanabe, S; Werner, N; White, N; Yamada, T; Yamada, S; Yamaguchi, H; Yamasaki, N; Yamauchi, S; Yamauchi, M; Yatsuag, Y; Yonetok, D; Yoshida, A; Yuasa, T. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering 2012