IUVSTA Executive Council Meeting: Promoting Sustainable Technologies

Timo Gans and Deborah O’Connell recently attended the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications (IUVSTA) Executive Council Meeting (ECM) in Brussels, Belgium. T. Gans, as BVC Councillor (representing Ireland and the UK) and Chair of the IUVSTA Awards and Scholarships Committee, and D. O’Connell, who is Alternate BVC Councillor and the Vice-Chair of the IUVSTA Plasma Science and Technology Division. The two-day event brought together leading experts in the field of vacuum science, surface science, plasma science, bio-interfaces and other related technologies. As part of the schedule, the event included a visit to iMEC, a world-renowned research and innovation hub in the field of nanotechnology.

At the meeting, one of the highlights was a discussion on the development of sustainable technologies and the exploration of potential convergence across different disciplines as a means to drive innovation.

During the ECM, funding for various workshops and training courses was approved, providing opportunities for highlight discussions and further education and professional development in the field. If you are interested in learning more about the topics discussed at the IUVSTA ECM visit the IUVSTA website for more information.